Version: 4.0
Release: 4.0-20160829 (release notes)
Compiled on: 2016 Aug 29 [11:23:40] -0700
Project page: <HTMLArea>

HTMLArea — the FREE
customizable online editor

 <HTMLAREA> is a free, customizable online editor. It works inside your browser. It uses a non-standard feature implemented in Internet Explorer 5.5 or better for Windows, and Mozilla 1.3 or better (any platform), therefore it will work in any one of these, or any newer browser.

HTMLArea is © Copyright 2005-2016 Inferior Products, Corporation.
2003-2005 InteractiveTools, and Released under a BSD-style license.

 HTMLArea was originally created and developed (through version 2.03), by InteractiveTools. Version 3.0 was developed by Mihai Bazon ( for InteractiveTools.
It is now developed and maintained by the developers at Inferior Products. It contains code previously sponsored by third-party companies as well. See the About Box for details.

Online demos

These are some examples.
Here are 2 plugins that were never released, but are included in the lastest bundle:

Some aditional demos:


Installation is (should) be simple. You'll need to unpack the archive into a directory accessible through your webserver. Assuming you unpack it into your DocumentRoot and your DocumentRoot is /usr/local/www (as is standard on a *BSD installation), you'll need to acomplish the following steps: (the example applies to any Unix-like operating system)

cd /path/to/HTMLArea-4.0-20160829.tar.gz tar -xvzf ./HTMLArea-4.0-20160829.tar.gz mv ./HTMLArea-4.0-20160829 ./htmlarea find htmlarea/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; find htmlarea/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find htmlarea/ -name "*.cgi" -exec chmod 755 {} \;

NOTE: You may choose to symlink htmlarea to HTMLArea-4.0-20160829, in which case your server needs to be configured to FollowSymLinks. You need to make sure that *.cgi files are interpreted as CGI scripts. If you want to use the SpellChecker plugin you need to have a recent version of Perl installed ( version 5.8, or greater recommended) on the server, and the module Text::Aspell, available from CPAN. More info in plugins/SpellChecker/readme-tech.html.

Information for seting up your pages to use the editor can be found in the documentation [updated version].

Status and links

HTMLArea has reached version 4.0. As of version 3.1, it supports:

We have a project page at We also have a bug system, a patch tracking system and a feature request page.

We also invite you to say anything you'd like about HTMLArea on the forums, where you will also find the latest news.

It doesn't work, what's wrong?

If it doesn't work, you have several options:

2016-08-29 11:23:40